23.02.2024 06:17
Held by customs
Beijing international Tianzhu processing center, Beijing city
22.02.2024 16:13
Item dispatched
22.02.2024 02:09
Your parcel arrives at the airport of the country of origin
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou
21.02.2024 12:05
Dispatched from Office of Exchange
IL, CHICAGO, 60634
20.02.2024 22:01
Ready for dispatch. Dispatch number: 404 Flight/Ship No: KE251
OLATHE, KS, 66062
20.02.2024 07:57
Out for Delivery, Expected Delivery by 9:00pm
19.02.2024 17:53
Departed from Facility
United Arab Emirates airlines
19.02.2024 03:49
Departure from Regional Sorting Center
18.02.2024 13:45
The shipment has been processed in the parcel center
B.L.D.E.A Campus SO
17.02.2024 23:41
PALM BAY, FL, 32907
17.02.2024 09:37
Your item is currently with Customs in the destination country
Guangzhou airlines center, Guangzhou
16.02.2024 19:33
Arrived at [Chongqing International Mail Processing Center] (transit)
16.02.2024 05:29
Presented to import customs
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou city
15.02.2024 15:25
Arrived at Facility
MIAMI, FL, 33127
15.02.2024 01:21
Item arrived
Guangzhou airlines center, Guangzhou city
14.02.2024 11:17
Departed from overseas transit office
13.02.2024 21:13
In transit to USPS tracking #: UM620634542US
Brest, Belarus
13.02.2024 07:09
Electronic information submitted by shipper
12.02.2024 17:05
Item has arrived in Canada and will be presented for review
PA, YORK, 17406
12.02.2024 03:01
Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
Shanghai international mail exchange station, Shanghai city
11.02.2024 12:57
Unsuccessful delivery. Addressee not available at time of delivery/Will attempt delivery on next working day
Zhengzhou international mail exchange station, Zhengzhou city
10.02.2024 22:53
10.02.2024 08:49
Arrived at Facility
Beijing international mail exchange station, Beijing city
09.02.2024 18:45
Departed from Facility
United States, United States
09.02.2024 04:41
Processed Through Facility
Beijing international Tianzhu processing center, Beijing city
Tracking numbers examples: